I mused out loud that I want to give someone a photo album ("Socialist Modernism in Ukraine").
My sister asked: "Are you trying to make people like you more by giving them things?"
I thought "if she's asking, it probably looks bad" and decided to propose a trade instead. Now I might be getting a Wes Anderson album in return. Nice.
My sister has been living with me for a week. She's messy and there's nothing I can do about it. Also, yesterday she made popcorn and my whole apartment smelled horribly. So, I have been low-key annoyed the whole week.
I give talks at conferences, and then nothing happens. I write a lot of posts, and then nothing happens.
I gave two lectures at the university I previously dropped out of, and then nothing happened. Recently I went to a podcast (ProConf), there were like 10 live viewers, and nothing happened.
In Krakow I went on several walks with people from Tinder, nothing happened.
I keep doing these and similar things, but I am not sure why.
The Last Psychiatrist once mentioned that 25-year-olds have a hypertrophied bullshit detector. It's not the same, but I think I have a good "I'm not getting anything out of it" detector — except that it fires so often that I have learned to ignore it.
I know I'm not getting anything when I scroll Twitter and half an hour later I am still feeling unsatisfied.
I know I'm not getting anything when I announce a new post. I know I'm not getting anything when I send out a Brick newsletter. When I fix a small design bug. When I pay taxes. When I buy insurance. When I write a status update in work Slack. When I write documentation and then (probably) nobody reads it later.
If a task in my todo-list has been rescheduled from "today" to "tomorrow" five times already, it's probably because I'm not getting anything out of it anyway.
There are lots of things that I do, but (feel like) not getting anything out of them. Maybe even most things.
I think this leads to a general feeling of dissatisfaction with life.
It also means that I spend a lot of time feeling guilty about not doing various tasks, especially various easy tasks. (Looks like I'm not the only one.)
There is one more thing.
Sometimes I feel excited about doing something, e.g. "I can fix a bug right here and now".
Then, instead of doing it, I add it to the todo-list, and since I'm actually not getting anything out of it anymore (the excitement is gone), I never do it.
So nowadays I'm not even filing small bugs. Why bother. They will either never get fixed, of if I overpower myself and fix them, I will just feel miserable. "I did another thing that I didn't get anything out of".
I think the solution to many problems in life is "seeing clearly". In this post, I have taken this problem and tried to see it clearly.
What now?
This is my plan. I got something out of this post already, even without publishing it. I made it more clear for myself that this is a problem, made a plan, and this is a 5% step towards fixing it.